Local Facilities & Organisations


Mount Pleasant Lane JMI School, Mount Pleasant Lane, Bricket Wood, AL2 3XA

Park Street and St Stephens Children's Centre, Mount Pleasant Lane, Bricket Wood, AL2 3XA

Doctors, Dentists and Pharmacies

Bricket Wood Medical Centre, Verulam Medical Group, St. Luke's Church, The Crescent, Bricket Wood, AL2 3NF

Bricket Wood Pharmacy. 111 Oakwood Rd, Bricket Wood, AL2 3QB

The Bricketwood Practice (Dentists), 65 Oakwood Road, Bricket Wood, AL2 3QB


St Luke's Church Bricket Wood (Church of England), The Crescent, Bricket Wood, AL2 3NF


Verulamium Museum Open Monday-Saturday 10am-5:30pm, Sunday 2pm-5:30pm, last admission 5pm, Admission Free for Residents.  St Michael's Street, St Albans, AL3 4SW

Museum of St Albans Open Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 2pm-5pm, Admission Free. Hatfield Road, St Albans, AL1 3RR


Abbey Line Community Rail Partnership.

Abbey Flyer Users' Group.

Beaver Scouts meet at Scout Centre. Wednesdays 6pm-7pm.

Body Conditioning - Aerobics/Circuits Wednesday 8pm-9pm. Mount Pleasant Lane School. Qualified Instructor.

Bricket Wood and District Jewish Social Circle. Social and activity group.  Non-fund raising.  Not affiliated to any synagogue.

Bricket Wood Art Club meets at St Luke's Church Hall on Monday evenings 8pm-10pm. Courses of instruction. Talks and demonstrations. Exhibitions held.

Bricket Wood Family History Group meets quarterly.

Bricket Wood Ramble short walk on 2nd Thursday of the month meet at corner of West Riding and Mount Pleasant Lane 10am till noon. Ideal for active/retired persons. A warm welcome awaits you.

Bricket Wood Residents' Association. Contact any member of the Management Committee.

Bricket Wood Social Club, Oak Avenue. Licensed Club. Family facilities, snooker, pool, darts, socials.

Bricket Wood Society concerned with local history, archaeology, development, ecology and community. Quarterly talks held at United Reformed Church Hall. Newsletter, occasional outings.

Bricket Wood Sports & Country Club, Lye Lane, Bricket Wood. Licensed club, function room, plenty of parking. Pleasant venue for party. Tel: 01923 670319.

Bricket Wood Women's Institute meets second Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the United Reformed Church Hall. Come along and join us. All ladies welcome, craft, speakers, entertainment, demonstrations. All ages catered for.

Brownies, 1st Bricket Wood Pack meet Tuesdays 6-7.30pm at St Luke's Church Hall.

Brownies, 2nd Bricket Wood Pack meet Mondays 6-7.30pm at United Reformed Church Hall.

Camera Club, Park Street, meets in St Stephen Parish Centre, Station Road at 8pm on Thursdays. Lectures, demonstration evenings, competitions. Beginners welcome. Instruction given.

Club 50+ Activities including Badminton, Swimming, Tennis etc. Coach trips and organised walks. Contact St Albans Leisure Ltd, Town Hall, Market Place, St Albans..

Copperbeech Women's Club meet each Monday at the United Reformed Church Hall 8pm. A social evening to enjoy a varied programme of speakers and demonstrations. Visitors welcome.

Crescent Playgroup held at St Luke's Church Hall, during school term time. Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9.30am-12 o'clock. Thursday 9.30am-3pm. Contact the Church Office..

Crescent Toddler Group meets at St Luke's Church Hall, Thursday afternoons lpm-3pm. Open all year round, brothers and sisters welcome during holidays.

Cub Scouts meet at Scout Centre, Tuesdays 6.45pm to 8.15pm.

Embroiders' Guild, Hertfordshire Branch.  Meets about once a month, either Friday evening or Saturday at the United Reform Church, Chiswell Green.

Explorer Scout Unit Open to both sexes. Meets at Scout Centre, Mondays 8-10pm.

Five Acres Naturist Country Club, Five Acres Avenue, Bricket Wood, AL2 3PY.

Greenwood Park Tennis Club. Social Sessions Wednesday evenings from 6.30pm and Sunday mornings from 10am (all year round). Junior night Fridays 4-7pm (April-October).

Guides meet Mondays at St Stephen Parish Centre 7.30-9pm.

Hertfordshire Health Walks.  Countryside Management Service, working with St Albans City & District Council & Hertfordshire County Council. 

Jo Jingles Music/Movement Group for children 6 months to 5 years. Thursdays 9.30am to 1.30pm at the St Stephen Parish Centre.

Keep Fit & Movement to Music for ladies of all ages. Classes held at United Reformed Church Hall on Tuesday mornings 10.30am-11.30am.

Locomotive Club of Great Britain (St Albans Branch) meets at Chiswell Green United Reformed Church Hall, Watford Road, St Albans, at 7.30pm on second Thursday of each month September - May.

Machine  Knitting Club, Park Street, meet 2nd Monday each month at St Stephen Parish Centre 7.30pm-9.30pm.

Marquetry Group, St Albans, meets at Greenwood Park Community Centre.

Meals on Wheels Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 11.30am-1.30pm. Volunteer drivers wanted.

Mums & Toddlers meet at United Reformed Church Hall on Wednesday afternoons 1.30-3pm. All welcome.

Open House (drop in coffee morning) for Mothers with young children. Meets St Luke's Church Hall on Wednesday mornings during term time 10am-11.30am. Interesting speakers and activities.

Psycare Hostels Ltd. 'Villosa' Leisure Day activities for people with learning disabilities. Classes held regularly at the United Reformed Church Hall. Monday 10am-1.30pm Music and Movement. Friday 10am-2pm Art & Craft.

Puppy Training United Reformed Church Hall Friday evenings at 6pm and 7.15pm.

Radlett Flower Club meets 2pm on third Tuesday afternoon of each month. St John's Church Hall, Gills Hall Lane, Radlett.

Rainbows meet Tuesdays 4.30-5.30pm for girls age 5-7 years. Held at St Luke's Church Hall.

Scout Centre, The Snicket, Blackboy Wood.

Scout Troop meets at Scout Centre, Fridays 7-9pm.

Senior Citizens Lunch Club operates to provide company and a meal for elderly citizens on Mondays, 12.30pm-2pm in St Luke's Church Hall.

Slimming World meets at St Stephen Parish Centre, Wednesday evenings 6.30pm-9pm.

Spielplatz Naturist Country Club, Lye Lane, Bricket Wood, AL2 3TD.

St Luke's Ladies Group meets third Thursday of the month (excluding August) at 8pm-10pm in St Luke's Church Hall.

St Luke's Youth Group meets at St Luke's Church Hall on 1st and 3rd Fridays 8pm-9.30pm for youngsters aged 12-16 years. Youth Leader can be contacted through the Church Office.

St Stephens Gardening Club (formerly St Stephens Horticultural Society) in Drop Lane, is open 2pm-4pm each Saturday from beginning of February until middle of November. Available at the trading store is a wide range of seasonal bedding plants, seeds, composts, fertilizers, tools and equipment etc. at competitive prices. The trading store is staffed by volunteer members who can offer practical advice to fellow members.

The Drop In All ages welcome to 'drop in' for tea and a chat on alternate Mondays from 2pm-4pm at the United Reformed Church Hall.

The Lisa School of Dancing. Children's Ballet Classes from age 3 upwards. Held at the United Reformed Church Hall Saturday Mornings from 9.30am.

Thursday Fellowship. Anyone welcome, meets at United Reformed Church Hall 2.30-4pm. Devotional afternoon with varying subjects and speakers.

Tots Day Nursery held at St Stephen Parish Centre Monday to Friday 7.30am-6.30pm for children 1-5 years old.

Ver-Colne Valley U3A meets at Greenwood Park Community Centre on the third Thursday of each month at 10am.

VJ. School of Dancing. All types of Dancing. Children's classes are held at St Luke's Church Hall on Saturday mornings 9.30am-1pm.

West Herts Micro Users Group meets alternate Tuesdays at St Stephen Parish Centre 7.30pm-10pm. Beginners and experienced computer users welcome. Assistance given to those who wish to improve their computer skills.