Historical Map
© 1988 Bert Neasel
Archaeological References
Map References
0. Piece of vertebrae, extinct prehistoric animal
1. Romano-British tile/pottery kiln AD 100-150 found in 1932
2. Gold Solidus (coin) of Honorius, 393-402 AD
3. Clactonian flint flakes (amongst earliest in Britain)
4. Bronze Age flint scraper and other pottery finds
5. Variety of flint implements, possibly Mesolithic
6. Scrapers (Palaeolithic)
7. Cropmarks Romano-British field system
8. Possible site Roman settlement
9. Acheulian hand-axe found in gravel near M1
10. Roman villa discovered in 1953 with mosaic floor, hypocaust excavated
11. Manorial site of Munden mentioned in 1097 AD
12. Cropmarks of possible habitation site (pre-Roman)
13. Kiln of potter Oastrivs, 1st c AD
14. Part of Roman villa discovered
15. Mesolithic arrowhead and flints
16. Romano-British bathhouse excavated 1960/67
17. Saxon pottery found, possible Saxon habitation site
18. Prehistoric flint cores
19. Romano-British coin (Marcus Aurelias)
20. Flints and other evidence of Romano-British habitation site
21. Mesolithic worked flint flake
22. Three Belgic bronze coins
23. Sherds found, suggest Early Iron Age occupation of site
24. Sherd of Early Bronze Age food vessel
25. Romano-British villa
26. Pre-Roman timber wharf
27. Manorial site of Burston, mentioned 996 AD
28. 221 gold coins found 1886 (Henry VI, VII, VIM, Richard III)
29. Bronze Age gold tore ornament
30. Roman bridge crossing Colne
31. Manorial site of Garston
32. Medieval sherds, lava quernstone, knives
33. Cropmark of ditched enclosure
34. 12 flint scrapers, Neolithic
35. Remains of moated site
36. Manorial site of Windridge
Prehistoric Ages in Britain
Palaeolithic (old stone age):
hunting, began 400,000 BC or earlier
Lower or Early Palaeolithic:
Clactonian (flakes found, no human bones) Acheullan(eg. Swanscombe Man, 250,000 BC an early Neanderthal)
Middle Palaeolithic:
(typical Neanderthal, 100,000-40,000 BC)
Upper or Late Palaeolithic:
(Modern Man, 30,000 BC)
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age:
-fishing, fowling, 8000 BC
Neolithic (New Stone Age):
-farming, 4000 BC
Bronze Age, 1600BC
Iron Age, 650 BC (Celtic)
Evolution of 'Bricket Wood' name
Bruteyt (1228)
Breteghte (1314)
Bruteughtwode (1381)
Briteyghtwod (1505)
Bryteywod (1512)
Boscode Brygteyght (1536)
Bricket Wood (1655)