Building Research Establishment and the Core Strategy: Petition to St Albans District Council

Post date: Mar 6, 2011 5:46:34 PM

St Albans District Council Meeting on 23 February 2011, Agenda Item 11 :- 

A petition was lodged with the Chief Executive on 8 February 2011 signed by 522 residents, stating as follows;

"We the undersigned are opposed to the St Albans District CounciI‘s proposed inclusion of the Building Research Establishment into their Core Strategy as a site for future development, involving the building of 150 new houses with the possibility of access to and from this site through the village of Bricket Wood, via the cul-de-sac of Bucknalls Drive".

The petition was organized by Bricket Wood Residents Association. A letter from the Chairman, Mr L Hart containing information in support of the petition is attached. Mr Hart will present the petition and speak in support of it (up to 3 minutes).

NOTE: Under the provisions of the Council Procedure Rules in the Council’s Constitution, petitions with more than 30 signatures but fewer than 1,000 signatures will not be debated.

Under the CounciI’s Petition Scheme the Council’s response to a petition may include one or more of the following:

[Note: The BWRA submission (2011-02-07) on the St Albans DC Core Strategy Consultation can be viewed or downloaded]