Land at Lye Lane Outline Planning Application: July 2013 Update
Post date: Jul 18, 2013 8:17:07 PM
Plans for the proposed Lye Lane Flexicare Village are available to view at St Stephen Parish Council, Parish Centre, Station road, Bricket Wood, AL2 3PJ on 30 July 2013 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
Description of the application is "Land at Lye Lane between Lye Lane, A405 and M25 - outline planning permission (means of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale sought) to provide Affordable Flexicare Accommodation, Lifetime Homes, staff and respite care accommodation to include 103 one bedroom flats, 15 two bedroom flats, 24 one bedroom houses and 46 two bedroom houses, a 3366m2 care home, together with the remediation of existing contaminated land, provision of associated access road, pedestrian access, parking, landscaping, pond and the provision of associated leisure and support facilities for residents and the wider community, including one 2918m2 building comprising healthcare consulting rooms, swimming pool, fitness centre, convenience store and bar/social club".
All the documents relating to this planning application including this letter can be viewed by:
Entering Application Reference Number 5/2013/0876 on the Search for Planning Applications webpage and clicking the Search button.
Clicking on the Documents button towards the top of the page on the resulting Details of Planning Application page.
Please send your comments to St Albans District Council as soon as possible as the consultation end date is 8th August 2013.