Bricket Wood Common, Woodland Work Report: 19 September 2015
Post date: Oct 6, 2015 8:44:54 PM
The following has been provided by Henry Holland-Hibbert to St Albans District Council, St Stephen Parish Council and the Bricket Wood Residents' Association. It is a progress report on the woodland work he is undertaking in Bricket Wood Common:
We will be starting the woodland maintenance work in Mutchetts Wood and on Bricket Wood Common before the end of September. The woodland machinery will access along the new track that has been laid across Mutchetts Paddocks and timber will be extracted to the loading bay in the paddock for later collection. The main area of work will be in Mutchetts Wood including the woodland that forms part of the SSSI – this is the area to the west of Bricket Wood Common and to the east of the railway line.
All trees to be extracted have been marked. Trees of poor quality have been selected or trees that are too close together and are not allowing sufficient light to reach the woodland floor. The objective is to allow the better trees more space thus enabling them to flourish as well as allowing future natural regeneration on the woodland floor.
Work will also take place along the footpath that forms the western edge of Bricket Wood Common and runs north from Mutchetts Paddocks. The objective is to open the footpath, remove dead or decaying trees that might present a hazard and create a wider edge to the path. Not all dead or decaying timber or timber that has fallen naturally will be removed, this does provide a valuable ecological habitat for woodland bugs and grubs etc.
For further information please contact:
Henry Holland-Hibbert
Munden Estate Office, Munden, Watford, Herts WD25 8PZ
Office: 01923 675658 Mobile: 07966 401553